Ascension Lutheran Church

Serves Christ, one another, and our community to the Glory of God.

All are Welcome!

5:00pm Saturday Evening Worship followed by a
FREE community meal

Sunday Worship
8:30 am and and 11:00 am

Worship online with is at 8:30 am

Wednesdays at 12pm for a devotional service

December 4 - St. Paul's Lutheran Church
6pm soup supper
7pm Holden Evening Prayer Service

December 11 - Ascension Lutheran Church
6pm soup supper
7pm Holden Evening Prayer Service

December 18 - St. Paul's Lutheran Church
6pm soup supper
7pm Holden Evening Prayer Service 

Join us for worship online at our YouTube Channel

Welcome to Ascension

Ascension Lutheran Church seeks to grow a grace-based and Christ-centered Lutheran congregation who builds and nourishes relationships with God and one another and serves our community in a way that leads to a deeper spiritual life.

Ascension supports many active ministries within our walls, in our Cheyenne community, state, nation and world. Your support makes it all happen.

Click Here to Donate
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712 Storey Blvd
Cheyenne, WY 82009, US

About us

Ascension is a Congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.  All are Welcome!

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